Formation / 4+4 at Vedholmen Galleri

Images: 1. Painting by Torunn Skjelland. 2. Sculpture by Daniela Bergschneider. 3. Sculpture by Sofie Brønner. 4. Prints by Cathrine Alice Liberg. 5. Video still by Rita Marhaug.

Welcome to Formation / 4+4, a group exhibition featuring:

Tuva Gonsholt (glass)
Torunn Skjelland (painting/sculpture)
Suvi Nieminen (sculpture/print)
Rita Marhaug (print/sculpture/performance)

Who in turn have invited four artists:

Sofie Brønner (wood sculpture/installation)
Mariken Kramer (photography/installation)
Daniela Bergschneider (textile/ceramics/sculpture)
Cathrine Alice Liberg (printmaking)

Vernissage: Saturday 8 March 14:00
Opening speech by art historian Ingebjørg E. Astrup.
The exhibition is open until 6 April.

Vedholmen Galleri
Røtingavegen 23, 5216 Lepsøy (near Bergen)