Excited to be kicking off 2020 with the group show FETT at Hå Gamle Prestegård in Stavanger!
Grafiska Sällskapet, Stockholm
Works by staff and students from the Department of Printmaking and Drawing at the Oslo Academy of the Arts can now be viewed at Grafiska Sällskapet in Stockholm, between 23.11 - 17.12 2019. The exhibition will later travel to Ålgården in Borås, where it can be viewed from 18.01.2020.
GRAFISKA SÄLLSKAPET, Hornsgatan 6, 118 20 Stockholm, Sweden
Opening hours: Tuesday-Thursday 12-18, Friday-Sunday 12-16.
Winner KoMASK European Masters Printmaking Award 2019
What an incredible honour to be the recipient of this year’s KoMASK Masters Printmaking Award!
My sincere gratitude goes out to the KoMASK organizers and the international jury of the 2019 Masters Printmaking Award. Thank you for your encouragement and motivation, and for the financial support to further explore the amazing world of printmaking. I would also like to thank my tutor Jan Petterson and the Department of Printmaking and Drawing at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts for nominating me for this award.
Last but not least - a big thank you to my wonderful friend Ragnhild Sørheim, who traveled down on short notice to The Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp (Belgium) to accept the award on my behalf.
The KoMASK Masters Printmaking Salon Exhibition
Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp
‘Lange Zaal’ Venusstraat 36 • 2000 Antwerp
Exhibition from November 15th until 22nd • 12.30 pm > 6 pm
Graphica Creativa 2019 - "Hereafter"
Together with staff and students from the Department of Printmaking and Drawing at the Oslo Academy of the Arts, I am participating in the the 15th International Print Triennial in Jyväskylä, Finland. Graphica Creativa 2019 – “Hereafter” features works by artists from invited art universities in four major cities: Helsinki, Oslo, Tokyo and Alberta.
The triennial is open from 27.9.2019–1.12.2019.
Pictures from www.printanddrawing.khio.no :
Norske Grafikeres Fonds Printmaking Award 2019
Unbelievably thrilled and honored to be the recipient of Norske Grafikeres Fonds Printmaking Award 2019 at this year's National Art Exhibition (Høstutstillingen), and to have my work "No Name Woman" purchased by Johan Stray's Foundation and REV Ocean. Thank you to The National Jury, Norske Grafikeres Fond, and to my friends and family for their unwavering support.
Norske Grafikeres Fonds grafikkpris ble opprettet i 2015 for å øke interessen for og utviklingen av norsk grafikk. Prisen på 50 000 kroner blir hvert år tildelt en kunstner ved Statens Kunstutstilling, Høstutstillingen som utmerker seg innenfor grafikkmediet. Norske Grafikere er en landsdekkende forening for yrkesaktive grafikere og et visningssted for samtidsgrafikk. Foreningen ble stiftet i 1919 for å gjøre grafikken kjent som egen kunstart og for å bedre kunstnernes situasjon. Årets priskomité består av Petter Buhagen, Gro Finne, og Per Kristian Nygård fra Norske Grafikere Fondsstyre.
Norske Grafikeres Fonds Graphics Award was established in 2015 to increase the interest in and development of Norwegian graphics. Each year, the prize of NOK 50,000 is awarded to an artist at the National Art Exhibition (The Autumn Exhibition), who excels in a graphic medium. The foundation is a nationwide association for professional printmakers and a display site for contemporary printmaking. The association was founded in 1919 to acknowledge graphics as an independent art form and to improve the situation for artists. This year's prize committee consists of Petter Buhagen, Gro Finne, and Per Kristian Nygård.