18.01 - 15.03.2020, Hå Gamle Prestegård, Stavanger

Åse Anda, Ingebjørg Une Hagen, Cathrine Alice Liberg, Line Prip, Bjørn Ransve, Zdenka Rusova og Erik Solheim

Hå gamle prestegard har siden 2018 presentert en serie utstillinger med tema rundt de ulike grafiske teknikkene. FETT – planTRYKK er den tredje i serien og viser fram arbeider innen litografi og monotypi av sju norske kunstnere.


Cathrine Alice Liberg (Photo: Line Prip)

Cathrine Alice Liberg (Photo: Line Prip)

Ingebjørg Une Hagen (left), Line Prip (centre), Erik Solheim (right). (Photo: Line Prip)

Ingebjørg Une Hagen (left), Line Prip (centre), Erik Solheim (right). (Photo: Line Prip)

State of the Art Student Prize 2019

I am thrilled that my MFA project “Imaginary Photographs of my Great-Grandmother” has been awarded joint second place in Printmaking Today’s “State of the Art” student printmaking prize for 2019 graduates. Congratulations to fellow prize recipients Claire Curtin (Glasgow School of Art) and Gemma Thompson (Royal Drawing School)! You can read more about the winning projects in the Winter Issue of Printmaking Today.


FETT at Hå Gamle Prestegård

Excited to be kicking off 2020 with the group show FETT at Hå Gamle Prestegård in Stavanger!

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Grafiska Sällskapet, Stockholm

Works by staff and students from the Department of Printmaking and Drawing at the Oslo Academy of the Arts can now be viewed at Grafiska Sällskapet in Stockholm, between 23.11 - 17.12 2019. The exhibition will later travel to Ålgården in Borås, where it can be viewed from 18.01.2020.

GRAFISKA SÄLLSKAPET, Hornsgatan 6, 118 20 Stockholm, Sweden
Opening hours: Tuesday-Thursday 12-18, Friday-Sunday 12-16.
