Nominated for the QSPA Inspirational Award 2020

Incredibly honoured to be nominated for the QSPA Inspirational Award 2020. The award is a collaboration between The Queen Sonja Print Award (QSPA) and Universal Limited Art Editions (ULAE) in New York, and is awarded to an emerging printmaker from one of the Nordic countries.

Thank you to Norske Grafikere (Association of Norwegian Printmakers) and the Department of Printmaking and Drawing at KHiO for nominating me.


Aksjon Lito 20/20

As guest artist, I joined staff and students from KHiO’s Printmaking Department for a showcasing of our lithographic works to Her Majesty Queen Sonja of Norway at The Queen Sonja Art Stable in Oslo.

All the lithographic prints will be included in a series of future exhibitions going under the label “Aksjon Lito 20/20”. The project, initiated by Professor Erik Solheim, seeks to highlight the precarious position of lithography in Norway. The past decade has witnessed skilled craftspeople retiring and many workshops closing permanently, despite a new generation of lithographers emerging on the Norwegian art scene. Together with Her Majesty, who is herself a printmaker, we discussed workshop practices, the lithographic legacy of Norwegian artist Edvard Munch, and how to preserve this old and venerable tradition for future generations.

The first exhibition in the series Aksjon Lito, titled “Spor”, will be opening at Galleri Seilduken (Fossveien 24, Oslo) on Thursday 19th November. (Update 06.11: Not open to the general public due to Covid-19).

Thank you to Her Majesty Queen Sonja, Sigurd Sverdrup Sandmo, Head of the Royal Collections, Professors Erik Solheim and Bror Mikkelborg, and all the staff at The Queen Sonja Art Stable for making this event possible, and making sure it kept in line with recent Covid-19 restrictions.

Photos: Heiko Junge / NTB

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"Why I Stay" Panel Talk at Litteraturhuset, Bergen

Had a great afternoon at Litteraturhuset i Bergen (Bergen House of Literature), discussing mixed Asian and European cultural identities, and how they impact our lives and artistic practices.

Thanks to fellow panelists Nhu Diep, Linxuan-Vanessa Gong, Albert Cheng-syun Tang, and moderator Ben Wenhou Yu of Northing Space!

The discussion will be available online in November.

Photos: Yilei Wang, Northing Space


Upcoming: Panel Talk at Litteraturhuset, Bergen

Join me for a panel talk at Litteraturhuset Bergen on Saturday 17th October at 13:00!

Together with moderator Ben Yu, and artists Nhu Diep, Linxuan-Vanessa Gong and Albert Cheng-syun Tang, I will be exploring the question “How can native cultures contribute to the creative professional life in a foreign/multicultural context?”

“Why I Stay” is a panel discussion connected to the exhibition series with the same title at Northing Space, a new art space in front of Litteraturhuset. Four exhibitors, all with an East Asian ethnic background, will join the panel together with the co-founder of Northing Ben Wenhou Yu, to tell their stories about why they have chosen to live and work in Norway.

Read more about the event on Facebook.


Pop-up Show at Blaker, September 2020

Some photos from the four hour pop-up show I did with Erika Reed and Suzannah Rehell Øistad at Blaker gamle meieri (Blaker Old Dairy) in September 2020.

The exhibition was part of Den store kunstdagen 19th September 2020, a one day art festival initiated by the Municipality of Lillestrøm, curated by Mari Meen Halsøy and produced by Akershus kunstsenter.

Photos: Istvan Virag.

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