Winner of the City of Knin Award

My entries to the 1st International Triennial of Portrait in Knin (Croatia) have been awarded the City of Knin Award, one of three prizes awarded at the triennial. The lithographs, from the series Album, were created during my residency with Klub Solitaer in Chemnitz earlier this year. Thank you so much to the Triennial Awards Committee, and to the Knin Museum for inviting me to participate!

The triennial, first of its kind, is on view from 9 September - 9 November 2022. There are 55 participants in total, from 17 different nations.

QSPA Awards 2022

Thank you to Norske Grafikere (Association of Norwegian Printmakers) and the KHiO Print Department for nominating me for this year's Queen Sonja Print Award (QSPA). A huge congratulations to winners Yto Barrada (QSPA), Meerke Vekterli (QSPA Inspirational Award) and William Kentridge (QSPA Lifetime Achievement Award). It has been an amazing experience to be part of this year’s QSPA event, which consisted of an award ceremony at Munch, followed by a printmaking seminar at the new National Museum in Oslo.

About the award:

The Queen Sonja Print Award has become the world’s leading award for graphic art and is presented every other year to a young, ambitious and promising artist who has excelled in the field of printmaking. A wide range of international professionals, curators, artists and art institutions nominate talented artists from all over the world for this prestigious prize.

The nominees reflect the breadth of contemporary printmaking around the world, ranging from traditional forms to new approaches involving installation, collage and performance. No printing technique or way of expression is to be excluded as long as the printing element is apparent. There is no age limit, but older and clearly long-established artists will not be considered for this award.

The winner receives a cash prize of NOK 400 000 and an educational stay at the Atelje Larsen art studio in Helsingborg, Sweden. The cash prize is determined by the board, and taken from the yield on the Foundation’s capital, along with gifts and other contributions received by the Foundation.

Kunstpodden: Hauntology

I recently guested the art podcast Kunstpodden as part of the newest episode on “Hauntology”, which discusses the idea that our present is haunted by ghosts of not only the past, but of alternative futures that were lost and never came to be. I talk about my recent exhibition “The Ghosts We Chase We Never Catch” at Norske Grafikere, and how my family's past shape my work. The episode also discusses Paulina Olowska's exhibition “Her Hauntology” at Kistefos, as well as the term hauntology itself. The podcast is in Norwegian, and is hosted by Cecilie Tyri Holt.

You can listen to the episode here or on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.


From the opening of "Blikk på metall"

I am so thrilled to be participating in the group exhibition "Blikk på metall" at The Peder Balke Centre in Østre Toten, Norway. I am exhibiting a number of photogravures and mezzotints, alongside beautiful works by Ellen Karin Mæhlum, Giske Sigmundstad, Pål Vigeland, Aaron Lie, Leif Stangebye-Nielsen, Linnéa Blakéus Calder and David Alexander Calder.

The Peder Balke Centre earned its name from a room featuring wall paintings by the famous Norwegian artist Peder Balke (1804-1887). Being a grade listed 18th century building, The Peder Balke Centre interacts with the art exhibits in unique and stunning ways, and I am so honoured to have my works on display in such a special place. The exhibition is open from 14 May - 12 June, and I warmly recommend making a day trip from Oslo.

The exhibition is curated by Tomas Gjetmundsen.

"Blikk på metall" at Peder Balke-Senteret

This summer I am participating in the group exhibition “Blikk på metall” at Peder Balke-Senteret in Østre Toten, Norway. The exhibition is open from 14 May - 12 June, and features eight artists working with metal in their artistic practices. The exhibition is curated by Tomas Gjetmundsen.